Michelle Windle


"Michelle is an exceptional coach and is truly versatile. Conversations have provided clarity, enabling me to see my strengths more clearly and this has produced a shift in my mindset. I always leave each coaching session armed with options, ideas to reflect on, and generally a sense of well-being."

Previous Client, Self-Employed Leadership Coach and Consultant

Every client is different and I approach each client’s needs on an individual basis. For that reason, I offer a 45 minute free exploratory video call to find out what would work best for you. This way you can find out more about coaching and experience what it would be like to work with me. I find out more about you, and whether we would be a good fit to work together. The coaching relationship is central to the process and it is important that we both feel that I am the right coach for you. If I’m not the right fit, I always happy to recommend alternative options for you.

Clients sometimes feel that they have to already know what they want to talk about before they contact me, but being stuck is often one of the drivers towards coaching. I would urge you to bring stuck feelings to our session and we can work through them together to find the clarity you are looking for.

Coaching is a 60-90 minute session over Zoom or in person in central Bristol. Clients typically work with me for 4-8 sessions to achieve the changes they are looking for and some people opt to work together for longer. I usually see clients on a fortnightly or monthly basis.